We Are Falling Slowly In Love With Byeon Woo Seok At His First Singapore Fanmeeting

Byeon Woo Seok’s 2024 Asia Fanmeeting Tour – “SUMMER LETTER” was held on the evening of 30 June at Singapore Expo.

Our lovely Sun Jae (name of Byeon Woo Seok’s character in Lovely Runner) kick started the fan meeting by singing “Loveholic” while entering the stage and receiving amazing cheers from Singapore Woo Che Tongs (aka Tongtongs, the name of Byeon Woo Seok’s fans).

Byeon Woo Seok shared with the audience that he has waited so long and is very excited to meet his Singapore Tongtongs. He also revealed that it was his first time in Singapore and it is all thanks to his fans that he could be here in our sunny island. Byeon Woo Seok feels that Singapore is a really pretty country and wishes to be back again for personal travel.

The next segment of the fan meeting was where seat numbers of 3 lucky fans are being picked and invited on stage to re-enact scenes of “Lovely Runner” with Byeon Wook Seok. The scenes went from Sun Jae passing an umbrella to Sol under the rain, to doing a heart cheek with Sol at the photo booth and the last one which drew screams from the audience – Sun Jae drinking from Sol‘s cup with a straw.

After the segment ended, a VCR appeared on screen suddenly with video messages from his Tongtongs. He was so touched that he cried on stage (aww, our oppa is such a softie). Byeon Woo Seok was really thankful to his fans and he thanked them for giving him such a great positive energy and he hoped that he gave the same energy to his fans as well.

The fan meeting then proceeded on with another segment on “Taste Balance Game” where Byeon Woo Seok was given questions and he had to choose 1 out of 2 answers to the given questions. Subsequently, the third segment of the fan meeting was for Byeon Woo Seok to finish a series of missions within 60 seconds and if he succeeds, he gets to present his fans with gifts.

After succeeding his mission and presenting 5 lucky fans with a signed poster, the fan meeting proceeded on with a Q&A Session with questions sent in by his fans.

Question: What is your TMI of the day?
BWS: My fans prepared bento set for us and it contained tteokbokki (spicy rice cake) so I had that for lunch.
Question: What activities will you do if you had a chance to spend a day with Singapore Tongtongs?
BWS: I would bring them to have tteokbokki and then proceed to USS for an amusement park date. Afterwhich we will have chili crab and then watermelon for dessert.
Question: If there is an actor or film or TV series that has inspired you, what is it?
BWS: I would say it is the film “The Notebook“. It was very inspirational for me and that film sparked my love for melo-drama genre.
Question: If you can have 1 super natural power, what would it be and why?
BWS: I would like to have teleportation skills, so I can save time travelling. This would allow me to travel from one place to another instantly.

Before performing the last song – I Think I Did, Byeon Woo Seok mentioned that he had such a wonderful time here in Singapore with his Tongtongs and he hoped to be back in Singapore soon.

To the audiences’ delight, Byeon Woo Seok re-appeared on stage shortly after for encore with the song “Sudden Shower”. Singapore Tongtongs also prepared a special fan event for him – everyone was holding onto a mini yellow umbrella and waved along to the song.

Photo Credits: Three Angles Production

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