[Trending Korea] Make way YOLO, here comes “Sohwakhaeng”

trending korea sohwakhaeng loosedharu

Emergence of “Sohwakhaeng” (“small but certain happiness”) as a trend suggests that people are trying to find happiness in small things

“Sohwakhaeng” (소확행) has emerged as a trend in a country that never quite sleeps, much so than New York the title holder. Given the extremely fast pace of life, and work hours that seem to only get longer; it is not surprising for mindset changes. Singapore as a country does not seem too distant from such stress levels as well.

“Sohwakhaeng” (소확행) is a trend, which will give people “small but certain happiness”; and is what it translates to as well. In the Chinese society, I see it as the equivalent of 知足常乐 (being satisfied with what you have). The concept of “Sohwakhaeng” seems pretty simple, as people basically find or create enjoyment and satisfaction in their routine lives. However, it is often related to food in general; and the concept’s YOLO counterpart often relates to travel. 

From my point of view, YOLO invokes a little recklessness or mindlessness in action; while “Sohwakhaeng” is the milder and gentler cousin enjoying simple satisfaction in life. Most of us would love to follow trends, but the rise of such a trend (not saying it’s bad) in a developed country like South Korea; does seem like the view of the future from the people in their 20s-30s being rather bleak.

So much for the fast pace, time to slow down a little to check out what you are missing in life.

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서른번째 아란식탁? 누리 워니 으니 집에 놀러왔던 날?❤️ 네명 저녁 준비는 처음이라 시간도 오래 걸리고 요리도 생각한대로 되지 않았는데, 그럼에도 맛있다며 싹싹 비워줘서 고마웠다 헤헤 전날 다시마 표고 멸치 건새우 넣고 끓인 육수에 쯔유로 간하고 냉장고에 넣어 차갑게 만들어둔다. 우동생면 삶고 얼음물에 담아 탱탱하게 준비! 먹을만큼 접시에 담아주고 육수 붓고 준비한 고명 얹으면 완성이다. 계란은 온천계란으로 만들랬는데 시간 잘못 계산해서 그냥 삶은 계란이 되어버렸다ㅠ_ㅠ.. 그래도 맛있다며 먹어준 나의 먹보들 최고얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 닭날개는 우유+갈은양파에 하루 담궈두고 간장 올리고당 매실액 매운고추로 소스 만들어서 붓으로 발라줘가며 에어프라이어에 돌렸다. 쪽파 길게 썰어서 데코용으로 깔았는데 같이 먹으니 뜻밖의 꿀조합이였다? 좋아하는 친구들과 와인에 맛있는 음식 먹으며 히히깔깔 떠들었던 시간 행복했당~~ 무엇보다 맛있게 먹는 친구들 보며 친구들의 행복에 내가 1만큼 일조한 것 같아 뿌듯했다? #냉우동 #우동 #일식 #일본가정식 #데리야끼 #닭날개 #데리야끼구이 #토마토 #아란식탁 #여름음식 #집밥 #가정식 #Homemeal #자취요리 #자취스타그램 #요리 #요리스타그램 #존맛탱 #JMT #먹스타그램 #맛스타그램 #Onthetable #집밥 #플레이트 #아코메야 #무지 #Muji #Akomeya #Homemade #힐링푸드 #소확행

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Article by: James @ KAvenyou

KAvenyou: Singapore to Korea – Music, Wanderlust, Foodie, Lifestyle.

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