This summer, the extraordinary universe brought to life by ‘Along With The Gods’ Director Kim Yong Hwa unfolds on the big screen. ‘THE MOON’ tells the story of a Korean astronaut who embarks on a lunar exploration mission but encounters an unexpected accident, leading to a distress signal on the Moon. Former Naro Space Center flight director Jae-gook, along with the remaining people on Earth, engage in a fierce battle against the elements to safely bring him back.
Beloved actors Sul Kyung Gu, Doh Kyung Soo (EXO’s D.O.), and Kim Hee Ae return with compelling and desperate characters showcasing their unwavering determination for survival. With the stellar performances of these talented actors, the audience can anticipate a chemistry that surpasses the distance of 384,000 kilometers between the Moon and the Earth in the movie.
In 2029, South Korea’s lunar exploration spacecraft Woori-ho embarks on a journey towards the Moon. The whole world pays attention to this great challenge, but a solar flare erupts, causing a solar wind to engulf the spacecraft, leaving only the crew member Hwang Sun-woo (Doh Kyung Soo) stranded alone.
This is not the first time that South Korea’s spacecraft has headed to the Moon. Five years ago, the Narae-ho soared into the sky with grand dreams, only to blow up into pieces upon launch. Now, in the face of another tragedy, the only survivor, Sun-woo, becomes the focus of the efforts of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute and the government. The entire nation hopes for his safe return.
To ensure Sun-woo’s rescue, the former flight director, Kim Jae-gook (Sul Kyung Gu), who had been researching deep in the mountains, takes responsibility for the Narae-ho accident five years ago and rejoins the mission. However, his efforts alone are not enough.
In search of another hope to rescue Sun-woo, Kim seeks the assistance of NASA’s lunar orbit director, Yoon Moon-young (Kim Hee Ae), but even that is not easy. Determined not to lose anyone again under his watch, Kim risks everything in a final attempt to save Sun-woo.
Thus, the struggle to survive and bring back Sun-woo unfolds, with a man who sacrifices everything for the sake of survival.
Korean sci-fi film ‘THE MOON’ screens in Singapore cinemas from 9 August 2023.