Jakarta. The arrival of the Cast and Director “Freelance The Movie” or “Heart Attack” as its international title to Indonesia to promote this movie got a lot of attention. The Press Conference was held in the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaves which located in one of the biggest mall in Jakarta, Grand Indonesia. The event was attended by quite a lot of journalist and fans who were very excited to see the arrival of Sunny Suwanmethanont for the second time in Jakarta. But unfortunately, this time Mai Davika, one of the movie cast, could not attend due to her busy schedule. But it is all treated by the bright smile of Violette Wautier and the warmness of director Ter Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit.
The movie Heart Attack is about a freelance graphic designer Yoon (played by Sunny) who work too hard and end up got sick. Because of his sickness, Yoon have to go to the hospital and accidentally being examined by a beautiful doctor named dr. Im (played by Davika). Dr Im was concerned because Yoon worked so hard and didn’t even care about his health and she’s the one who’ll be able to change Yoon’s priority, as stated by the Director at the press conference. Director Ter said that this film is based on his personal experience. Once, he was working so hard and ended up got sick and met a pretty doctor, just like what happened to Yoon in the movie.
This movie was originally titled “Freelance” in thailand but changed to Heart Attack only for promotion with no special reason, said Director Ter. He also said that “Heart Attack” is not a common term in Thailand, and he said that Thai market will not understand this term very well.
The director also choose the players with particular reasons. He choose Sunny because Yoon’s character is funny and sometimes romantic and he said that the character is fit to Sunny perfectly. After he pick Sunny as the main actor, he needed to choose someone who’ll be able to make a balance with Sunny, so he choose Davika to be the main actress. Violette joined the cast list later after she passed the casting. Director Ter was impressed by Violette’s acting in The Swimmer and ask her to join the cast as Je. Director Ter said Violette played the character very well, beyond his expectation. This is the first time for Director Ter to visit Indonesia. He said that he watched Indonesian movie, The Raid 1 and 2 and he loved it.
This is also the first visit for for Violette, she said that she was a bit nervous. And because the very short time that she could not explore more about Indonesia, especially Jakarta. In the Press Conference, Violette who is also a singer, happily showed her talent by singing along with the journalists and guests. She stated that she love singing she as much she love the acting world. As for sunny already the second time to come to Indonesia, he was glad to return to Indonesia and said that his favorite food is fried chicken. He also said with a bit of humor to invite the fans to enjoy the fried chicken with him.
After the Press Conference that lasted long enough in because the casts were enthusiastic and very friendly serving request photos from the fans, everyone went inside the CVG Blitz Theater for a movie screening. The screening was divided into 2 Studios. The director and the casts alternately visited the studio to greet the audience. While the fans were watching the movie, the director and the cast were having a private interviews with us and the other media. These are our Q&A with them.
KAvenyou: Director Ter, the story in this movie is based on your own personal experience, did you still do some research for this movie? Moreover for Mai Davika, the role of a doctor who certainly should know the medical terms.
Ter: yes I am still doing research for this film even though this is my personal experience. But for davika own role, I told her to do personal research. Davika went to the hospital in order to explore the role. So did Sunny and Violette, they also conduct their own research.
KAvenyou: What are the difficulties in making this film?
Ter: the difficulty is the time to transform the players. For example this time how to bring a famous person into a character that I created. And make the players how to follow my direction as a director.
KAvenyou: Sunny, how do you choose a role that will be played in your movie?
Sunny: First, it should be the role that I like. The rest just need a passion. I will explore these characters.
KAvenyou: Sunny, why you always choose to work with GTH? What’s the difference GTH with other production houses in Thailand?
Sunny: I work anywhere actually. All the studios there are requirements. Each. GTH already know what kind of style do I have, and GTH is able to accept it. So it’s very easy to cooperate with GTH. The scripts, and others, I feel more suitable to GTH compared with the others production house.
KAvenyou: Violette, what the genre you like most for acting? Since you are a singer, do you have a plan to play in a musical?
Violette: I like all genres. And if there is a chance to play the musical movie of course I really want to try.
KAvenyou: Is it harder to sing or act?
Violette: Good question. Actually, I don’t find singing is difficult because I’ve start to sing when I’m still a kid. But for acting, is rather difficult because, despite my own habits. And I have a lot things to learn.
KAvenyou: How to overcome difficulties in acting? Do you have an acting teacher?
Violette: No acting teacher. Just ask for direction from the director. He taught me a lot.
KAvenyou: So, What Next project from all of you guys?
Sunny: in the near future there are 3 film offers but I have not know yet which movie will be first. But currently there are drama that I play. For the future, I will stop playing drama and focus only in movies.
Ter: I will be on a break for a while. Because my target is only one movie in a year,
Violette: My next project is a music project and because now is my last year in college, so I had to make a thesis. So I am going to focus there and maybe there will be a new single.
KAvenyou: Are there any plans to act in a Movie in other countries, Indonesia for example.
Sunny: Yes if there was an offer I will surely consider it.
Violette: Yes that would be worth to try.
The event was closed with a group photo of the players along with the directors and the fans who have finished watching a movie. Make sure you watch this nice romantic yet funny movie “Heart Attack” in any cinemas in your region. See the complete photoset on our facebook page : Heart Attack Jakarta Photo Set .
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Article: Karin @ KAvenyou
Photo: Doll @ KAvenyou