Singapore – B’in Music (相信音乐) and Rock Records (滚石唱片) have always been well known for producing amazing rock and pop music. Having a significant influence in the music scene, B’in Music nurtured many of the talents of the talents under them such as May Day, Magic Power, Della Ding, Jia Jia, Yen-J, Bai Ann, Flumpoo and many more.
This April, the record company is set to throw in a huge sum in holding the street concert at the bustling Ngee Ann City at Orchard Road. Investing similar figures as their concerts, Della Ding, Jia Jia and Magic Power will be bringing many explosive performances at the street concert (街头爆唱会).
Years back when May Day did the same street concert in the bustling town, they wow-ed the crowd with their capabilities and slowly worked towards standing at the Indoors Stadium.
This concert will be planned by May Day’s backend crew with the record company’s order to prepare the concert with no budget! All these were done in return for the fans’ loyal and never-ending support through the years.
Albums will be sold at the venue, fans who purchased the albums on-spot will stand a chance to win a photo oppurtunity with the 3 groups of artistes or an autographed poster. Magic Power (MP魔幻力量) will be holding an autograph session after the performance specially for their fans. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and mark your calendars.
Artiste Line-up: Della Ding (丁当),Magic Power (MP魔幻力量),Jia Jia (家家)
Date: 12th April 2015 (Sunday)
Time: 6.30PM
Venue: Ngee Ann City
* Free entry for public
* Gain entry to the special “Rock & Roll Fan zone” with the artiste’s latest album! (*limited to the first 1000 fans only)
* Qualified albums include: 丁当[敢爱敢当],家家[为你的寂寞唱歌] or MP魔幻力量[战神]
Stay tuned to Rock Records for the latest updates!
** EXTRAS **
[PHOTO] MP Magic Power’s virgin concert in Singapore
Watch Jia Jia’s performances at her Singapore autograph session: 《命运》, 《我没资格》, 《填空》
Watch Della’s performances at Da Ning Music Festival in Shanghai: 《手掌心》,《猜不透》,《我是一只小小鸟》, 《洋葱》
Watch our exclusive interview with Yen-J and his performance at his Singapore autograph session.
YES 933 x 相信音乐 x 滚石唱片 呈献 我相信 醉心龙虎榜街头爆唱会!
偶像剧歌姬 丁当 领军
相信家族生力军MP魔幻力量 家家齐聚新加坡开唱
来临4月12日 丁当 MP魔幻力量 家家 唱爆乌节路!
由偶像剧歌姬丁当领军,相信家族生力军电音摇滚第一团MP魔幻力量以及灵魂歌姬家家将首度在新加坡乌节路義安城广场举办户外街头爆唱会!3组歌手首次齐聚新加坡户外开唱,唱片公司砸大钱租下義安城广场, 并比照演唱会规格重金打造这次的[我相信]醉心龙虎榜街头爆唱会!
现今乐坛,新人辈出,如果要出专辑必定要有一定的实力,而相信音乐近年来持续挖掘好声音,创作好音乐,并坚持只跟有潜力开演唱会的实力派歌手合作。这次更是决定大手笔包下新加坡最热闹的街道-乌节路義安城广场,让其下三组人气歌手 – 丁当,MP魔幻力量及家家在新加坡街头开唱!
出席歌手: 丁当,MP魔幻力量,家家
表演日期: 4月12日(星期日),6.30pm
地点: 義安城广场