11 November 2014, Singapore – Dragon Blade, the epic blockbuster directed by the renowned Hong Kong director Daniel Lee, starring Jackie Chan who is also the executive producer, Hollywood star John Cusack, Academy award-winning actor Adrien Brody and the others is scheduled to open during the 2015 Chinese New Year. Today in a series of stills taken from a crucial scene in the film we see Jackie Chan challenge Adrien Brody to a duel. In these photos, Jackie Chan does not seem to have the advantage of being a veteran fighter since Adrien Brody, the youngest winner of Best Actor at the Academy Awards in history, looks so fearlessly brave. The two are rivals in the movie, but in reality, Brody hails Chan as “the great hero”. Moreover, Brody expresses that nothing could be better than starring opposite Jackie Chan.
A duel between Jackie Chan and Adrien Brody
Academy award-winning actor has finally realised his dream
In the newly released stills, we see Jackie Chan and Adrien Brody duelling in the desert. Chan is seen either slash his sword or hit with bare hands, and it vividly conveys how fierce and bloody the fight is. However, Brody seems composed and calm. It is understood that the duel takes place in the end of the film, which serves as the climax. Huo An (played by Jackie Chan), is seeking revenge for his close friend; finally he hunts down Prince Tiberius and challenges him to a duel. On the other hand, obsessed by power, Prince Tiberius (played by Adrien Brody) has no intention to let Huo An get away with it, therefore the pair duel each other to death before their comrades.
Although they beat each other to death in the movie, Jackie Chan and Adrien Brody are buddies on the set. Brody admits that he has always loved watching Chinese action movies since he was young. ‘It’s a beautiful memory of my childhood’, Brody speaks honestly, ‘I went to see all these great Chinese action movies in New York China Town with my father’. Furthermore, among these movies, he loved Jackie Chan’s works most, and he himself has always been a big fan of Jackie Chan. Thus one can tell that Brody gets so emotional when talking about their collaboration in Dragon Blade; through the duel between himself and Jackie Chan, he has realised his dream.
Academy award-winning actor working without assistant
Jackie Chan praises Brody as a role model for Chinese actors
Adrien Brody had participated in Back to 1942 directed by Feng Xiaogang, therefore it is his second film shot in China. Although Brody is an Academy award-winning actor, he is so down-to-earth. He arrived on the set alone, without any assistant, taking Jackie Chan by surprise. When the shooting finished, Jackie Chan was very moved by Brody’s performance as well his friendliness. Chan said, ‘Brody is not only an excellent actor but so friendly and polite to the crew. Everyone on the set loves him. He sets an example to many Chinese actors.’
When talking about the collaboration, Brody claims that Jackie Chan and the crew have taught him so many new things that truly stimulate and excite him. Brody says, ‘I’m working with Jackie Chan whom I regard as a hero on the biggest movie ever made in China, so frankly speaking, nothing could be better! I hope it’s the first of so many opportunities for me to work in China. I hope I’ll come back for the work I enjoy doing, especially martial arts movies. It’s so much fun!’
Dragon Blade is scheduled to be released on 19th February 2015 (Chinese New Year’s Day) across Asia.
Watch the video of Behind the Scenes of Dragon Blade: