Starring Tang Wei and Park Hae-il, and directed by acclaimed Korean director Park Chan-wook, Korean film “Decision To Leave” is a blend of investigative drama, romance and unexpected humour. The movie eschews the shocking breaking of taboos in his previous work for a deep drama in which subtle emotional tremors coexist with pulsating inner waves.
A man falls from a mountain peak to his death. The detective in charge, Hae-joon (Park Hae-il), comes to meet the dead man’s wife Seo-rae (Tang Wei).
“I worry when he does not come back from a mountain, thinking he might die at last.”
Seo-rae does not show any signs of agitation at her husband’s death. With her behavior so unlike that of a grieving relative, the police consider her a suspect. Hae-joon interrogates Seo-rae, and while observing her on stakeout, feels himself slowly developing an interest in her.
Meanwhile the difficult-to-read Seo-rae, despite being suspected of a crime, acts boldly towards Hae-joon.
A suspect who is hiding her true feelings.
A detective who suspects and desires his suspect.
Their Decision to Leave.
Watch the trailer here:
Korean movie “Decision To Leave” airs in Singapore cinemas 14 July 2022.