On July, 8th, Bang Yongguk brought his “The Colors of Bang Yongguk” tour to Paris.
It’s the 2nd time the singer performs as a solo artist in Paris. Back in 2019, upon debuting his
solo career, he already performed in the french capital, which fans kept as a precious
memory. Yongguk seems to share the feeling, saying fans still are as pretty as 4 years ago.
Since then, the artist has released more tracks and came to perform them in front of a full
venue : tickets got sold out in a matter of minutes, proving the anticipation.
In the scorching heat of July, ROOT Company and OfficialKEvents, the organizers of this
tour, did their best for fans to enjoy a great experience. They prepared folding fans and
free water bottle to avoid fans fainting, and made recommendations to not push towards
the front rows. These advice,while important, didn’t seem that much needed. Bang Yongguk’s fandom seems genuinely caring towards each others, the perfect mirror of their
During the show, the artist checks if everyone is OK and has their water. On top of that, two
of the big electric fans on stage are turned towards the crowd when Yongguk is also experiencing the heat on stage. Meanwhile, when he was talking, the audience would wave
their fans towards him.
The energy was through the roof even before the concert started, when the DJ played Xie
Xie and fans sang along. It went on throughout the concert, with Yongguk looking obviously
hyped up, showered by love and cheers. When the audience sings the soccer-cheering song that’s so loved by most Korean artists, Yongguk smiles as if he was waiting for it.
True to the tour’s title, Yongguk proves that his has several colors. Hikikomori shows a fragility about which the artist has always been vocal. Orange Drive is softer, with a saxophone melody fit for a jazz club in a narrow alley. During Ya, he sexily moves his hips after pouring water on himself.
For Screwed Up, Yongguk asks the audience to keep their phones down so that he can have eye contact with everyone. He makes sure to interact with fans and to send them hearts in a cute way, even for fans on the balcony.
During Green, his recent solo with SOOVI, all the audience waves in a relaxed way. For Ride
or Die, they loudly sing the lyrics, proving that they know all of the artist’s tracks, including
the newest ones.
But one of the most emotional moments of the evening is when Yongguk sings “I remember”.
The song, released in 2011, serves as both a time-travelling machine and a reminder of the
artists’ journey. Most of the audience has been with Yongguk for years, and while the lyrics
say “I remember”, everyone’s heart hears “I’m by your side”, receiving joy and confort.
When Yongguk is handed a french flag with messages hand-written on it, he makes sure to
hold it property before holding it up like a painting of Eugène Delacroix. The mutual love and respect is almost tangible when Yongguk asks fans to love themselves at least half as much as they love him.
On that night, the “Colors of Bang Yongguk” bled onto the fans who’ll wait until the next time they can meet him.